Cares act employer poster

Employers are legally required to display 3 free posters in their workplace to inform employees of their rights and responsibilities. Please note that you do not need to order new posters every year. Simply compare the valid date(s) listed below with the date indicated at the bottom of your poster — just right of the publication number.

The "Notice to Employees" poster differs based on whether your employer is part of the State Fund or self-insured. Self-insured means the employer provides their own workers' compensation coverage to their employees. See if an employer is currently self-insured.

Download the free posters below or order online. Each poster is in English and Spanish —other alternative-language versions are available as well.

Common Questions About Required Workplace Posters

L&I’s Job Safety and Health Law poster (F416-081-909) takes place of the federal OSHA Workplace Poster. For all others, employers must post both state and federal posters. You can reference Workplace Posters: Required and Recommended (F101-054-000) to learn more about these documents.

Does a construction company have to post the posters at every job site or just in the construction office?

The key consideration is where the employees report for work. If your employees report to a central office, posting in the office is fine. If they report to a job shack, post them there. You may want to do both as the posters are free. You are not required to post them in a truck.

Can I send my employees a link to the L&I website for the poster information instead of posting the actual poster?

No. As an employer, you are required to make the posters available to your employees where they can see and read them. (See below for posting requirements.) Employers may provide electronic links to the poster information in addition to posting the actual posters in the workplace. For example, if your business has an internal web page, you could include a link to the workplace posters as an additional resource.

If I have one or more employees in Washington State who work from their home or vehicle, do they have to post the posters in their home or vehicle?

No. As the employer, you are required to make the posters available to your employees where they can see and read them. To comply with this requirement for employees working from their home or vehicle, you may:

Send each employee a set of posters. You can order them at no cost by visiting You may want to document that you sent the posters to your employees.

Send each employee an email with a link to Instruct your employees to read the posters and print them for their records. They do not have to post them in their home or vehicle.

I have a very small office in Washington State and one employee. Do I have to post the posters in my Washington State office?

Yes. If you have a business location in Washington State and one or more employees works from that location, the law requires you to post the posters there, in a place where the employees can see and read them.

Am I required to post the Spanish portion of the posters?

There is no requirement to post the Spanish portion of the posters. However, if you have Spanish-speaking employees — even if they speak English — we encourage you to post both the English and Spanish information.

Is there a poster on the Washington minimum wage?

No. Minimum wage information is on the L&I website at There is a required federal minimum wage poster. Although Washington employers are required to display the federal poster, they are required to pay the higher Washington minimum wage.

We have a sales representative working in Washington State but our office is in another state. Do we need to post the Washington State posters in our office?

No. You should provide your employee in Washington State with copies of the posters.

Is a business that does not have employees required to post the L&I posters?

No. However, if you received posters from L&I and you do not have employees, you may want to call 360-902-4817 to make certain your business information with us is correct. Our records may indicate that you do have employees.

Are businesses required to purchase posters?

No. Our posters are available here - for free. Some companies offer merged combinations of state and federal required posters. Their advertisements sometimes leverage an official look and imply penalties for not buying their posters. We do not solicit the purchase of our free posters.

What are the rules for where to post the required posters?

Post them where they can easily be seen and read by employees and keep them in good condition. Areas where you might consider posting the posters include the employee break room, employee bulletin board, or the area where time cards are kept. The inside of a closet door or an area where employees have limited access would not be good choices.

How do I know if my poster is up to date?

Compare the valid date of the posters listed above with the date indicated at the bottom of your poster — just right of the publication number.

How will I know when a required poster is updated?

After we update a required poster, we give new copies to all State Fund and self-insured businesses. We will either mail physical copies or send them as electronic files to print as needed.

Why is the poster printing funny?

Some posters are larger than 8.5 x 11 inches. If your printer does not support the larger format, there are options to order paper copies of posters after clicking the links above.